Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"The Supper at Elsinore." Isak Dinesen.

Review. This story is really an impressionistic look at Denmark. You can feel the cold in you. Three beautiful children, one of whom is a boy, Morton. Because the boy is so beautiful, his sisters cannot get married because they can find no one as handsome he is.

However, on the eve of his marriage, he jilts his bride and lives the life of a pirate. He has many brides. But his sisters will not marry no matter, how many suitors they have. They are fascinated by their brother’s good looks. Finally Morton is hanged as a pirate.

But Morton comes back and they have a “Supper at Elsinore.” They reminisce until the clock strikes 12. That’s all there is. The story is 50 pages long, beautifully written. There is just not much substance to it other than the description of Denmark. Reminds of the poems of Keats.

Famous Ghost Stories. Ed. Bennett Cerf. New York: The Modern Library, Random House, Inc., 1944.

Note: That’s the end of the famous ghost stories.

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