Monday, April 26, 2010

"The Princess of Montpensier." Marie Madeleine, Comtesse De La Fayette.

Review: Courtly intrigues in France in the 16th century. The best summary is in the last paragraph. “She could not resist the sorrow of having lost the esteem of her husband, the heart of her lover, and the most perfect [male] friend one could ever have. She died several days later, in the prime of life, one of the most beautiful princesses in the world. And she doubtless would have been one of the happiest if virtue and prudence had guided all her actions.”

Misunderstandings are at the root of the tragedy in this love triangle. The wife is faithful, but tempted, the suitor is seductive but well-intentioned and his confidents was also the best friend to the wife.

Great French Short Stories. Ed. Germaine Brée. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1969.

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